Healing for Kerry, a recipe for healing and hope

This is not a food post, however it is a recipe post.  A recipe for hope, love and healing for a fellow blogger who is very poorly and needs all of our hope, prayers and love - and so do her family.

On Nov 24th 2012 Bloggers and Tweeters will unite to pray for the recovery of Kerry who blogs at Multiple Mummy #healing4kerry.  You can read about Kerry, and the latest update on her condition provided by her husband here

Back in July Kerry suffered a ruptured aneurysm which caused her to have a brain haemorrhage.  She has been fighting hard to recover but has had setbacks.  I sincerely wish with all my heart that she was back with her family at home healthy and happy.  Sadly this is not the case.  She is currently in hospital after another setback. 

One fab blogger, Liska who blogs at New Mum Online had an idea so that we can all show our support for Kerry and her family and our hope that her recovery will progress further without setbacks so she can be home, healthy and back with her family.

I have met Kerry a few times at blogger events and we have tweeted and known each other online for some time.  She is bubbly, chatty, loves a good laugh and is a very lovely and genuine person inside and out.  She has 3 gorgeous children and a wonderful supportive husband that need her home and well.

There is a blog hop you can join to show your support.  However, the one thing you can do above everything else is to spare a prayer or wish for Kerry’s recovery on the 24th November 2012 at 10pm.

If you are a blogger – write a post of hope for Kerry and her family and add it to the blog hop.  If you are on Twitter – Tweet using the hashtag #Healing4Kerry

There is strength in numbers, power in prayer, meditation and positive thinking so please join us tonight at 10pm.

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