Turkey Parcels - two ways

I have done several posts this year for the Lean On Turkey campaign and the theme this time around is "Christmas Turkey Leftovers" and what to do with them.  The Lean on Turkey campaign is trying to encourage people to think of turkey as more than just a roast at Chritmas time.  Turkey is  great value, really simple to cook with, high in protein, low in saturated fat and a good source of natural vitamins and minerals

After all the stress, faff and expense of Christmas dinner the last thing you want to do is have to make a complicated recipe from the leftovers.  I can assure you that my recipe is tasty, thrifty and a complete doddle to make - what more could you want?!

Turkey Parcels - two ways

These are fab for a light lunch or snacks as you can make them up and put them in the fridge until you are ready to bake them.  You can vary the flavour according to what you have, leftovers or fresh ingredients, and they are delicious, simple and quick to make.

I used some frozen mixed vegetables in my parcels but you could use leftover roast vegetables instead.

425g pack puff pastry sheets £1.25

For the fillings:

100g cooked turkey finely chopped or shredded 10p
1  - 2 Tblsp mango chutney 20p
1 tsp finely chopped chilli (optional) 10p


100g cooked turkey finely chopped or shredded 1 or 2 Tblsp cream cheese 20p sprinkling of dried mixed herbs 5p 2 - 3 Tblsp dried cranberries or a dollop of cranberry sauce 40p  

Preheat your oven to Gas Mark 6/200C/Fan 180C.   Unroll the 2 sheets of pastry and cut each one into 3, to get 6 rectangles from two sheets of pastry.

Spread either mango chutney or cream cheese onto the pastry strip, leaving a border of about 1cm all the way around.  Sprinkle over some of the dried herbs or chilli then pile a tablespoon of the rest of your chosen filling mixture on one end. 

Fold the pastry over then crimp with a fork to seal it well.  Don't forget to make a couple of small holes in the top of each pastry parcel with a fork or knife to allow steam to escape during cooking.

Put on a lined baking tray and bake in a preheated oven at Gas Mark 6/200C/Fan 180C for 20 minutes.  Best served warm from the oven.

The cost of 6 parcels, 3 of each flavour option, was £2.30 without taking into account the cost of the leftover turkey.

** This is a sponsored post **

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