November Fresh From the Oven Roundup - Plaited Loaf

Our challenge for November was set by the lovely Helen who blogs over at Fuss Free Flavours.  The task she set for us was to make a plaited loaf or savoury of sweet bread that was made up of three or more strands.  Some brave bakers took on the 8 strand plaited loaf of Great British Bake Off fame and succeeded, some of us made less complicated plaits.  Regardless of how many strands the plaited loaves were made up of they were all delicious and looked fabulous.

Thank you so much to all of those who took part and to Helen for hosting.

© Challah Challah | Kitka | Braided Bread

There is now a Fresh From the Oven Facebook page, do pop over and take a look and like our page to show it some love.  We also need bloggers to host challenges in 2013, please contact Claire from Purelyfood should you wish to put your name down to host a challenge.

The Challenge for December is being hosted by Tina over at Tina's Cookings and the challenge is to make and bake Spicy Savoury Chilli Buns which will no doubt warm us up during the cold winter here in the UK and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere.

For details on how to take part please see the Fresh From the Oven page of my blog.

Happy Baking Everyone!
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