Your Serve! The Delusion Of 'Service'

It appears as if most people are high-fiving their notions of 'service on the common good' and cutting their tariffs to 'only $1,997' in an effort to 'serve humanity'. I guess oahu is the latest upgrade of 'doing it for charity'! But it does raise several curious issues.

First of all, I don't accept it and I wouldn't like the clear water of my transactions muddied by vague, altruistic notions. I wouldn't like to function as the common good that you just serve. I am uncommon and irrepressibly unique. I want an easy 'win-win-win', whereby you benefit clearly and I benefit clearly along with the world benefits with the bliss-ripple we mail out. I love knowing what I am buying, picking out my own, personal if it is worth every penny in my experience, and then expressing respect and gratitude to the means of the transaction.

Secondly, the idea of 'providing a fantastic service' is really as old as business. It is what you need to be doing, anyway. Where did the notion to getting away with less come from? A 'good service' has nothing sacrificial, subservient or noble over it. Ask a cost that honours you and also respects your client after which allow main business proceed - that regarding an empowering relationship between you.

Thirdly, whose 'common good' shall we be held speaking about? 'Common good' is only ever applicable in short-term, controlled situations. Your village wants a game and everyone gets together for the weekend with tractors and strimmers and carpenters and designers and coffee-and-bun providers, and organises a arena. The 'common good' is served, with no-one counting the price of their hours.

The 'higher-purpose common good' is really a different form of beast completely, a useful kind of chimera beloved of politicians, a phrase as vague as 'God's Name' so when hypnotic as 'our children and our children's children'. The world is made on contrast and processes and grows in reaction compared to that contrast. Know this for a fact; as soon as you hit upon a truth, the equal and opposite truth will appear someplace else in order to find its champion. Whose truth shall we elect to represent the 'higher-purpose common good', because I won't want yours if it is got any perception of God in it, or democracy, or shows that slugs aren't as beautiful as butterflies!

Even the broad notions of 'peace in your time' are unsustainable. Some people love to fight and millions like to potential downside that pleasure which fear. You cannot change that, but you can decide where your own personal emphasis goes, and you can decide the qualities you wish to see proof of within your perception on the planet.

Fourthly, there's no 'higher purpose' anyway. We are not going anywhere or waiting for any unrealised state of paradise. We are there already and our only purpose would be to advance consciousness by expressing the exceptional perception of our unique incarnation. This is best achieved by rigorous self-service. Once we embrace life exactly how causes us to be happy, we immediately become 'of service' from the radiance in our being. When we know our path and walk it fearlessly, we've got no need of judgement, no need of competition, no necessity of certainly not the happy energy that we attract.

And that is definitely the best way to serve me best! Declare clearly, boldly and truthfully what you are. Define precisely the ways you believe we can easily dance along with mutual benefit. Back off which will help prevent badgering me! I will arrive when I am ready and the tango will start up with an extravagant arpeggio of integrity.
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