Our Gardening Adventures - The Lurgy Edition

Earlier this week my friend Lucy and I spent an hour eating soup and toast, having a natter then planning what we were going to grow in each raised bed in the Spring.  We then dragged ourselves out in the foggy and damp weather to weed, spread compost and generally tidy up the raised beds. 

There has been a bit of a brassica masacre courtesy of slugs so we have used some organic slug pellets in an effort to stop anymore of the plants being chewed to stems.  About 30% of the seedlings we have planted had been moderately damaged by the slugs so we are hoping some recover from being munched.

The final raised bed that was waiting to be tamed will have to wait a bit longer as we could only stand an hour out in the damp and fog before the desire for a cuppa and the warmth of the house became too much and we scurried inside whinging about the weather.

All we did was weed this bed and spread compost out on it.
Our excuses for being non hardy gardening types are that I have tonsillitis and my broken foot is still a little sore, and Lucy had worked crazy hours the previous few days so was exhausted.  It is Half Term School Holidays this coming week so we are all taking a week off from the gardening sessions.

We are determined to tackle the last raised bed though so bring on the session after Half Term, assuming we won't turn into iciles whilst weeding! LOL

The untamed raised bed on the left of the picture is what we will tackle next, weather permitting.

How do you keep up your gardening motivation when the weather is cold, damp and generally awful? Any tips for how to beat the inclement conditions?

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