Taylors of Harrogate Coffee Visit

How far would you go for a decent cup of coffee?

I have a confession to make, I am a coffee snob.  I don't drink instant coffee and much prefer a cup brewed from freshly ground beans.  Coffee keeps me going, I cannot and will not function without a decent brew.

When I was invited by Taylors of Harrogate to a coffee event I was very excited to go along, even when they told me it would be a 4hr train journey each way.  I am that fond of decent coffee.  And besides I hadn't been that far up North in the UK so I thought why not go on a bit of a journey.  It was all I expected and much more!

The visit to Taylors was fab!  We had a gorgeous lunch followed by a coffee tasting session led by the extremely knowledgeable and friendly Emily who wasn't in the least but phased by some tricky questions posed by us bloggers.

Typical bloggers, despite being ravenous we have to take pics of lunch before we eat it! LOL

Taylors ensure they pay fair prices for their coffee from suppliers with many varieties certified as Fair Trade and we were shown a presentation detailing the production of coffee and how it is grown, processed, transported and prepared.  It is a very labour intensive and time critical process.

Emily talking us through the coffee growing, processing and transportation process

We were all instructed on the art of the slurp in order to properly taste the coffees on offer.  I found the citrussy flavoured coffees to be too weak and not to my liking at all.  I loved the Rich Italian (don't we all!) and Hot Lava Java varieties, both were strong and full bodied coffees.

Tasting the many and varied coffees on offer
We even got a tour of the factory, it was fascinating and well worth having to wear paper hair nets and coats.  We watched the coffee being roasted, ground and packaged.  It was like a live "How It's Made" programme, great fun!
Taylors have produced a handy Selection Pack of four coffees in exactly the right measures to use in an 8 cup cafetiere.  This means you can try a few different coffees without having to buy a whole bag of each one.  Genius!

The Selection Pack would be a great gift, along with an 8 cup cafetiere, for a coffee lover in your life.  Give it a go, the coffee is fab!

Many thanks to Taylors for their hospitality and for a brilliant and informative visit.  Everyone we met at the company was lovely, we were fed really well and I had a great time.

** Taylors of Harrogate paid my travel expenses to enable me to attend this event. **
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